Now all we have been seeing on the news is about hurricane Fay. I saw the governor of FL last night telling people to prepare. PREPARE you live in hurricane central; you have a football team named after them. The people in FL should not have to prepare. They should all ready have it done. In that area you are stupid moron not to have stuff ready for the hurricanes. I just start to laugh when Gov. said go and stock up on food and water and the likes. Now don't get me wrong I don't want them to get Fay or any storm, but these sheeple have to learn to take care of them self the government won't be there as quick as they like. Now I don't know if we have any prepper's out there in that neck of the woods, but we know if we do that you can just laugh it off at home while the others are in stores like pack rats.
Now this is a crazy thing this past weekend. At a local city park down from my house they had community festival. All kinds of inflatable rides for kids,free food,free drink for everyone. This was all put on by local waste basket of politician. I thought you were not allow to buy votes? Well this is exactly what they were doing. Here lets throw some food down to the peasants and they will surely vote for me. The people where just loving it. I just started ranting and telling the wife the same thing I just told you. Everyone is going to keep eyes closed to the crap they do, except us that are awaken.
Now for this odd part, there are some garages behind my house that people can rent. Well there is this lady I believe that is living in one. I see her come at night and leave in the morning. I call the gestapo one night and it took them 3 1/2 hours go come. I love to see my tax dollars at work. What do they do... well they roll up the alley and turn their lights on and then turn around turn the lights off and roll out. Now what is my next step? I am trying to contact the owner of the garages to get him to take care of this. I don't know though, because hey if that is all she can afford and is paying her way what is the harm, right? Well I will keep you informed.
If the lady is living there, it is all about Survival right? Don't have them kick her out of her home because she's coming and going to a garage at night. Maybe a little kindness,compation oh and a little bit of charity might do you better than waiting on the gestapo to kick her out or calling the owners.You could probably learn from her if she's living there.Sounds like she knows how to survive to me.
I'd say if she ain't botherin' anyone or anything, leave her alone! I had a buddy who lived in a garage for a few years. In hind sight, I shoulda joined him! He saved up a bundle of cash!
As far as idiots living in hurricane zones..... I'm surrounded by 'em. It always amazes me to see the sheeple flock to the grocery store and the Hopeless Depot to "stock up" and get window boards and such, 2 days before a storm makes landfall! This stuff should have been done months ago!
How about going and seeing if the lady could use a helping hand instead of calling the moronic cops on her? What happened to talking to people first?
I have decided not to bother the lady in the shadows. She is doing what she needs to live. Now that can change if she starts to go crazy or something.
I lived in Florida for several years..and the idea of "prepping" for a hurricane a couple days before is impossible. I worked at Walmart at the time, and our store (a big one) would be out of everything related (milk, bread, batteries, water, etc) a couple days beforehand. I remember we were trying to shut down the store right before a big hurricane a few years ago, and people were pulling up after our doors were chained shut, with the hurricane having arrived, trying to get in to buy stuff. And the saddest part is, they did that for every storm, even the 4th of the season. No one learned.
Let me get this straight - you call the cops and tell them someone is living in a garage in an alley and isnt hurting a single soul, not doing anything illegal, and no crimes are being committed. And you are upset that they take 3 1/2 hours to come? Where do you live? Dont people in your state have REAL crimes going on in their lives? Dont be so stupid and give the cops a break. Stop thinking you are the only person in the world. Also -- do you have ANY idea what "gestapo" means? Quit mimicking words you have no idea what they mean. as a white man married to a black woman, you should know better than to use that word. I notice you also referred to Stalin in another blog. Again, you should know better. You are one step away from skinhead, dude. I'm glad you don't "make your own shells." People like you don't need loaded guns in their houses.
I find it interesting that you talk about a woman living in a garage behind your house. You also talk about right down the street there was free food being given away, but I did see anything about getting some of that free food and giving it to the woman.
You refer to the event at the park as something put on by the local politician in order to "buy votes". If providing food or a community event is a way of buying votes then maybe they should cut out welfare, food stamps or funding for homeless shelters. These are all things that are provided to to community as well. I guess they are looking to buy the votes of the people (not sheeple they are human not animals)who most likely are not registered to vote anyway. Yea there is some coruption in your government, however there are times our government does things we may not agree with or may not understand the full reasoning behind it.
You guys call yourselves "preppers" and that there is a need to be prepared. You guys are most likely the same nut cases that stored up a bunch of canned goods and bought generators back right before Y2K thinking that at midnight on 1999 that all of a sudden the power would go out and nothing would works anymore. You say you "start laughing when Gov. said to go stock up on food" I laugh at(really I pray for you)people like you that keep preparing for the end of the world. If you read the scriptures you will know that when Jesus returns you will have no need for all this stuff you seem to want to store up, because if you are "prepared" then you are one of God's saved children and He will provide for your every need.
I have to agree with the post above. I did see that politician blog too. And you know, he isn't "buying" votes. First off, if you (the blogger) knew anything about the way a campaign is run, you would know that 90% of the people you saw at that event were this politician's friends, family and private supporters. They are there to create a crowd, and to fool people like you into thinking they have a huge group of voters gathered. DUH. Then, they provide food so that PEOPLE WILL STOP and eat, and spend a few minutes LISTENING TO HIS PLATFORM AND IDEAS. DUH #2. He is not forcing people to cast a vote in exchange for food. Yjr ;ast time I checked, people were allowed to vote their own mind at the poll, regardless of how many hot dogs they ate. DUH #3.
To the previous anonymous posters..I just wanted to point out that there are good reasons to prep that aren't related to the end of the world. I am a Christian, and needless to say, I hope not to be here when that comes around. But, there are many other reasons. Job loss. Depression. Any sort of serious economic problems. Things like hurricanes or blizzards, that may leave you to rely on your own supplies for a longer time than normal.
I just think it's important for people to realize prepping has an important place for people not as paranoid and the blogger. Everyone should prep to a more basic level.
Thank you for posting, slinky - I am glad to hear you are a Christian, but what I question IS the paranoid and nazi-like nature of this particular person's blogging. Gestapo? Stalin? buying votes? calling the govt the Beast? There is no way to reconcile that type of mindset with a Christian heart.
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