
Wife thinks I am crazy...

I was talking with the wife last night about SHTF happenings, and just like we most have experienced; we get toned out or the crazy look. I am in the process of trying to find a free or next to nothing camper/pop up. I almost had one last night. Well anyhow, I was saying how it will be great when we find one that way we will have a place to live when the SHTF happens. That is when the crazy look came. Everyone knows what I am talking about the look that Jack Nicholson gives in "The Shinning". I put it in very simple and plan terms, "do you want to have something like walls around us or living in a tent? Then she relized what I was talking about.

Then we went for a walk around the block. I live in a city, not a major one but still a city with the criminal minded people that have no regard for life. I made a point to check out different ways people to attemp to make it to my propierty. That way I can sure up different access points. Now when SHTF does happen, this will be vacant but not at first. I just need to make sure that I can have view of the different access points. Now to add that to the list.

We all should take notice of loose ends that can be tied up right away and get that done. I know it is easier said then done. We all have something we would rather do, but yours and mine will be depending on use to protect and provide.

On a side note- I just got my subscription to Backwoods Home. It could not have came at a better time. This should be on everyone's reading list.

Digging a deeper Moat...



Anonymous said...

If you own a pickup truck, a cab over or even a shell cap over the back is far better than an tent when weather takes a turn for the worse. Insulate the top and sides with hay bales - with a tarp cover, would last at least a year, though last months may be moldy.

Anonymous said...

How can you be the "leader" of a family, and you have been posting on this site since July 4, and your own wife had no idea what you were doing until 2 weeks later? Stop fooling yourself. You are not the leader of this family. How can you lead any group when no one knows what you are doing? You talk about protecting your family, and yet your own wife has no idea what you are doing. Be a real man, a real husband, and live in the moment today. Stop being a scared little boy about what "might" happen in the future. Give a life and stop being paranoid.